Verfasste Studierendenschaft (Constituted Student Body)

That’s you! Every student of JLU is automatically part of the constituted student body.

AStA: Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss (General Students’ Committee)

The AStA is the executive organ of the constituted student body. Its members – the so called „Referent*innen“ – work in different departments called „Referate“. It is similar to the Students’ Union in Great Britain.

StuPa: Studierendenparlament (Student Parliament)

In the student parliament, 33 elected representatives decide over your concerns.  In the yearly StuPa elections the student body decides how many seats are given to different groups („Listen“) that run for parliament and are similar to political parties.

FSR: Fachschaftsrat (Department Student Council)

All students of a certain department form a “Fachschaft“, which is represented by student representatives in the “Fachschaftsrat”. These representatives advocate for the interests of their Fachschaft’s students, answer questions and organize events.

FSK: Fachschaftenkonferenz (Conference of the Department Student Councils)

In the conference of the student councils, all student representatives of the “Fachschaften” come together and decide over the matters of the “Fachschaften”.

What does the AStA do?


We are responsible for the semester ticket, which allows JLU students to travel around Hesse by train and bus. You can also rent one of our NextBikes in Gießen and many other cities throughout Germany, which is free of charge for one hour at a time.

Furthermore, we offer psychological and legal consulting for students at no cost.

Special Offers for Local Events

We cooperate with a couple of local initiatives and clubs. Therefore, you get tickets for the Gießen 46ers, the FC Gießen and for the “Stadt ohne Meer” Festival at a lower rate.

With the theater ticket, you can visit the Stadttheater Gießen for free. The “Freibadflatrate” allows you to go to the open-air baths of Gießen whenever you want – without further costs.

Referate (Departments)

The work of the AStA is done by “Referent*innen”, who are elected by the StuPa. The different departments care for the finances and the staff of the AStA. They also organize events in the fields of traffic, sustainability, antifascism and many more. The annual AStA parties are also held by “Referent*innen”.

Autonome Referate (Autonomous Departments)

They represent certain student communities, like foreign students or the LGBTQ+ community, and care for their needs. They are not part of the StuPa or the AStA, but are elected by their respective general assembly.

Any Questions?

If you have any questions feel free to contact us!


You also want to participate in the student self-administration of JLU? Why don’t you stop by one of the meetings of your “Fachschaft”, the autonomous departments or the political student groups? Or just start a group of your own!