Semesterticket Upgrade

INFO: The upgrade of the semester ticket to the Deutschlandticket is only available until September 2024. From then on, the semester ticket for all JLU students will automatically be changed to the Deutschlandticket. All current upgrades will then be cancelled automatically, as the new winter semester begins and the ticket no longer needs to be upgraded!

Dear students,

The time has finally come. After a tough struggle and a very ambitious implementation phase, it is now possible to upgrade the RMV semester ticket to the Deutschlandticket.

The SemesterTicket Upgrade is here!

The following link will take you directly to the authentication and ordering process:

Here are the most important information/conditions:

  • Only enrolled students in possession of a valid RMV semester ticket are entitled to purchase/own the upgrade
  • The offer is voluntary and must be paid for by the user
  • The upgrade costs €24.58 per month
  • Initially, only SEPA is possible as a means of payment – RMV will endeavour to add further payment options (PayPal and credit card) in the course of June
  • A Deutschlandticket will be issued as an upgrade. The Deutschlandticket is subject to the general fare regulations and is valid throughout Germany in 2nd class on local and regional services.
  • The upgrade can also be purchased at any time for the current month
  • The upgrade is only available as a HandyTicket
  • The upgrade is offered as a subscription with monthly cancellation options
  • The upgrade can only be cancelled by the 10th of the respective month
  • In case of de-registration or change of user ID (g,s,j) with network password, the upgrade must be cancelled independently!
  • It is not possible to book the semester ticket upgrade if the semester ticket has previously been refunded by the AStA!
  • A current month cannot be charged in the event of early cancellation
  • If the upgrade is not cancelled, it will expire at the end of the respective semester at the latest
  • The upgrade must be purchased again at the beginning of each semester
  • The current RMV semester ticket and a photo ID must also be carried for verification purposes
  • If you have any questions about the upgrade, simply write to or

We would like to thank everyone involved at RMV and the university administration for the fact that the upgrade can now be offered from June. However, the upgrade is only the beginning. Together with other ASten, we are campaigning for a permanent, standardised, nationwide semester ticket. You can support us in this endeavour by writing to your MP, contacting political parties (it’s currently an election campaign in Hesse) or raising the issue in election debates.

** Update **

We are pleased to inform you that the payment options PayPal and credit card have now also been implemented and are now available for the purchase of the semester ticket upgrade in addition to the SEPA function.

This should also provide a solution to the occasional problems with SEPA.

In case of problems with the registration of the SEPA payment procedure, please contact the support of the payment service provider directly:

  • Service phone: 06196 8012-702

If you have already purchased the Deutschlandticket privately in May or June, we regret to inform you that a refund is not possible, please note the cancellation periods for the Deutschlandticket Have fun using public transport throughout Germany!

Greetings from the AStA (Department of Transport and Infrastructure)

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